I thought I wanted to be an opera singer. I loved standing on a stage and making people laugh (yes... opera can be very funny). And I would love to tell you I had some deep, meaningful reason to pick up a camera but the truth is I wanted to get a boy's attention. Embarrassing, I know.
If you are passionate about being more waste-free, this is just one more step you can take! If you are ready to learn a little about menstrual cups, it is time to dive in!
We are getting around more and more by bicycle these days. Follow along as I figure out if I can keep it up!
Prioritizing our time together is what it is all about. These photos help me see my life is beautiful, even when my hair on a sailboat looks a little rough!
I get really embarrassed when I take my camera out in public. Isn’t that the weirdest thing? I love being behind my camera. I love the challenge of getting the shot right. And I absolutely love preserving great memories. Why do I take so many cell phone pics?!
This year wasn’t kind to all, but it is the year I said my dreams OUT LOUD. Check out some of my favorite photos from 2016 and my goals for 2017.